Dublin City Library and Archive contains collections spanning hundreds of years of Dublin's rich history. We make these available physically where possible but we can also provide access to digital copies.
Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI): www.dri.ie
Our presence on the DRI is where we make available photographs, postcards, letters, maps and more.
Highlights of the collection include the Fáilte Ireland Photographic Collection, the Jacobs Biscuit Factory Photographic Archive, the Wide Streets Commission and the Royal Dublin Fusiliers Association Archive.
Flickr: Browse curated image galleries highlighting aspects of Dublin's history on our Flickr page. https://www.flickr.com/photos/dublincitypubliclibraries/albums
Dublincity.ie : is the home of databases derived from printed and other historic records related to Dublin city and surrounding administrative areas.
As well as the Databases the site hosts images from our collection of medeviel manuscripts, many of which have been transcribed.